Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Physios flout law by handing out drug samples

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Physios flout law by handing out drug samples

A study has shown physiotherapists are flouting the law by giving free samples of prescription
drugs to their clients.

University of Sydney researchers found in a random survey of physiotherapists that
a quarter admitted to administering restricted medications.

Professor GERARD SULLIVAN, from the faculty of education, and health sciences lecturer
GWENDA LANSBURY, reported in a letter to the latest Medical Journal of Australia that
13 per cent of physiotherapists are visited by drug company representatives.

Physiotherapists are legally prohibited from supplying prescription-only medications
although they can supply over-the-counter preparations.

However, Professor SULLIVAN believes Australia is likely to follow the United States
in broadening the range of practitioners who can be licensed to prescribe drugs.

He says there's already been changes to license certain nurse practitioners.

But he says physiotherapists would need adequate training.

The survey, commissioned by the New South Wales Physiotherapists Registration Board,
found that some physiotherapists were giving out drugs daily.

AAP RTV rr/sc/klw/jn


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