Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED:Alcohol report findings

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Alcohol report findings

Findings of the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation report:

* More than one-third of drinkers or four million Australians consume alcohol to get drunk.

* 37 per cent of Australians perceive alcohol to be the most harmful drug compared
to tobacco and illicit substances.

* 78 per cent of regular drinkers think Australians have a problem with alcohol, up
from 59 per cent in 2010.

* 82 per cent of people believe more needs to be done to reduce harm caused by alcohol-related
illness, injury, death and related issues.

* 6.4 million Australians consume six or more standard drinks on a typical occasion.

* Almost one quarter of 18-24 years who drink alcohol have six or more standard drinks
on one occasion.

* 80 per cent of Australians believe consuming alcohol while pregnant can be harmful
to the developing foetus.

AAP ms/sb/pc


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