Monday, February 27, 2012

Fed: Death row shows irrationality of execution - Norden

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Death row shows irrationality of execution - Norden

A priest who's a friend of the Melbourne family of condemned Australian NGUYEN TUONG
VAN will tomorrow ring his church bell 25 times .. once for each year of NGUYEN'S life.

Fr PETER NORDEN'S told ABC radio the irrationality and the immorality of taking a life
in order to uphold the value of human life .. can be seen when you visit death row and
see people waiting to be killed.

Father NORDEN .. who's a long-time anti-death penalty campaigner who's visited condemned
prisoners .. says it' important NGUYEN'S mother KIM be allowed to hug her son one last

Fr NORDEN'S parish in inner Melbourne held a prayer vigil in St Ignatius church last
night and more prayers will be held tomorrow morning .. before a mass at the time of the

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