Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Landcom accused of offering bribes to council

NSW: Landcom accused of offering bribes to council

The New South Wales corruption watchdog has been called to investigate government housinggroup Landcom for allegedly offering a bribe to a local council in return for a favourableland rezoning.

Opposition planning spokesman ANDREW HUMPHERSON says he's referred allegations of a$40,000 bribe to the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Planning Minister ANDREW REFSHAUGE agrees the allegations are of concern, and saysit's appropriate that the ICAC investigate.

The allegations relate to a letter from Landcom to Port Stephens Council in August,released by the opposition today.

The letter asks for a favourable response to the rezoning of a former high school,saying Landcom would be prepared to make an ex-gratia payment to the council.

AAP RTV nd/arb/rk/rp


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